Thursday, October 21, 2010


I went today to buy scrubs for my first day at work. Oni was with me (of course!). We ran into a friend from school and we were both in the dressing rooms at the same time trying on scrubs. As I'm just about to put on the scrubs Oni (very loudly) says, "Mama! You're naked! You look funny!"

The friend in the next stall was laughing hard enough for us to hear through the walls. Who knows how many other people in the store heard her... probably everybody.

The funniest part to me is that Oni sees me without my clothes on a daily basis (we shower together most of the time), but she picked this time in public to announce my goofy-looking body. Not once at home has she ever mentioned anything about this before!

Sometimes you just can't win!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fashion Victim

Oni is in full princess gear this morning; pink sweatsuit under a blue and white floor-length Easter dress with orange pumpkin socks, and red ballerina slippers. (It's too cold to wear just the dress, so we negotiate. She pretty much picked out everything today.)

She is skipping through the living room singing,
"A tisket a tasket a green and yellow basket. I wrote a letter to my love....a little princess picked it up and held it in her hand."

**For the record, if we go out in public, she 'dresses down'. We lose the dress and slippers for the more practical everyday clothing.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Oni was being very loud while she was playing the other day.
Mama: "Oni, please don't scream."

Monday, October 11, 2010

Watch Your Mouth Mama!

This weekend Uncle Linden, Andrea, Oliver, and Fritz came to visit Michigan. On Saturday Jennifer and I took Oni and Oliver to Papa's Pumpkin Patch for some Halloween fun. We had been there for about an hour, Oliver and Oni were walking nearby (I thought out of ear shot).

Jennifer: "I'm starving."
Clare: "I'm freaking thirsty."
Oni: "I'm freaking thirsty, too!"

I should have realized that she could hear me. I guess it could have been worse. Will I ever learn?

Funny Oni et. al. Part 1

This was too good not to post! Lydia is my six year-old niece. She is in the first grade.

A phone conversation between Nana and Lydia:

Lydia: "Hi Nana"
Nana: "What's wrong Lydia? You sound sad."
Lydia: "I got a sad face on my calender today" (at school - reflecting her behavior)
Nana: "What happened?"
Lydia: "Well, I threatened somebody."
Nana: "Tell me about it."
Lydia: "I meant to say, 'I'm a clown', but what came out was, 'I'm gonna smack you.'"

Don't you just hate when that happens?!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Boss Said It Was Okay

You all probably already know this, but I just graduated from college. I took and passed my state exam, and I have had two interviews (for the same position). Today I was offered the job! I told Jacob the good news and he promptly started making phone calls. When he got off the phone he said, "Since you got the job, can I play a celebratory round of golf?"

I said, "No you may not."

Oni said, "Yes you may."

Contrary to popular belief, Oni actually isn't running the show.

Jacob didn't go golfing.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's Been a While

Daddy and I just picked up Oni. Daddy hasn't seen her in a week, I haven't seen her in three days. Jacob has grown his annual "hunting season" beard (which he didn't have when he left for Alabama this last time).

When Oni saw him, she said, "Ohhhh myyyyy! Look at all your fur!!"

She notices everything!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Love You Girl

Oni is with Grammi (my mother-in-law) in Mt. Pleasant this weekend. I just talked to her on the phone. Oni told me about her day; she's having a great time!

Mama: "I love you!"
Oni: "Yeah, and I love you, girl!"

She cracks me up. I can't wait to get her home.